i love me some DMB

I am so blessed and have so many things to be grateful for;
I just don’t always remember. 
Tonight Ryan & I celebrated.
We celebrated each other: 
we’ve been each others family since 2005.
 and our new family addition we ‘established’ in January of 2011.
We celebrated for the great group of friends that we’ve had since elementary school, and we celebrated some news we were given tonight; which I will be doing a post on shortly.
*so stay tuned!*
Really, I will find anything and everything to celebrate.
and thats the best way I know how:

a chilled bottle of Asti Spumante.

“Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain” -dmb

What better meal then homemade pizza and champagne? 
I can’t think of a one.

Also, I secretly celebrated that the baby still thinks Im hilarious. Pretending to smell her feet = 10 seconds of pure baby laughter. Every.Single.Time.

Good night.
Celebrate Something or Someone!

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